To delete an access key for your AWS (root) account
Use your AWS account email address and password to sign in to the AWS Management Console.
If you previously signed in to the console with IAM user credentials, your browser might open your IAM user sign-in page. You can't use the IAM user sign-in page to sign in with your AWS account credentials. Instead, choose Sign-in using root account credentials to go to the AWS account sign-in page.
In the top right of the console, choose your account name or number. Then choose My Security Credentials.
Choose Continue to Security Credentials.
Expand the Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) section.
Locate Access Key for Deletion.
- To delete an existing access key
Before you delete an access key, make sure it's no longer in use. You can't recover an access key after deleting it. Then, choose DeleteĀ next to the access key that you are deleting.
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